This fall I helped out The Liberty Foundation with artwork for the nose art for the repaint of their C-47 to "Chalk 40", which looks great in her new OD and invasion stripes!
Remember Pearl Harbor
I created this to remember this day 80 years ago. A date which did indeed live in infamy and 80 years later we still remember. When I went to the Memorial in 2005 with my Dad, it was an incredibly moving exerience. Particulary seeing the oil still rising to the surface. Lest we forget the … Continue reading Remember Pearl Harbor
Santa’s Garage
New gas globe style art for the Gilmore Car Museum's restored Shell Station for the Holiday Season.
ICAS booth graphics
The Military Aviation Museum asked me to create some booth graphics for the 2021 International Council of Airshows trade show in Las Vegas, and the first piece that I designed was a 121" x 69" backdrop. It had to have multiple aircraft that would be representative of the type of warbirds that they fly, but … Continue reading ICAS booth graphics
Logo Art for Black Sheep Studio
I was recently asked to design some post-WWII insignia style art for Black Sheep Studio. I was the 4th person assigned this project, so I knew Jerry and Tina would be demanding for what they wanted, but it was right in my wheelhouse. At the conclusion of the project they had these nice things to … Continue reading Logo Art for Black Sheep Studio
Love from the D-Day Squadron
This was a really nice post and much appreciated. I really am blessed to have a profession that I love and am so passionate about. And great clients are the icing on the cake!
“Lucky Lady” Cowling
The latest private commission P-47 style nose art cowling "Lucky Lady" is enroute to her new home today. I'm really happy with how she turned out, as is the client! I can't wait to hear about the reaction from the real Lucky Lady. I still have a couple of these that are still unspoken for. … Continue reading “Lucky Lady” Cowling
Mitchell Mfg Leather Jackets Logo and Tags
This is a logo and hang tags for a new WWII reproduction A-2 and B-3 Jacket company based in Germany.
Team Shine back to March Field Air Museum
Next month Team Shine is heading back to March Field Air Museum to continue polishing the combat veteran B-29 "Flagship 500". You can buy this shirt that I designed to help the team out with expenses. Click here...
New Ramsbury Brewing Beer Label
Happy to share my newly redesigned Ramsbury Brewery 506 Blonde Beer label to commemorate a new working partnership with the team of the Night Fright C-47. The new label captures the history that’s at the heart of what both organizations stand for. Both the C-47 and the 506 are inextricably linked to Membury, in fact … Continue reading New Ramsbury Brewing Beer Label