ICAS booth graphics

The Military Aviation Museum asked me to create some booth graphics for the 2021 International Council of Airshows trade show in Las Vegas, and the first piece that I designed was a 121" x 69" backdrop. It had to have multiple aircraft that would be representative of the type of warbirds that they fly, but … Continue reading ICAS booth graphics

The Rescue of the Once Lost World War II Navy Aircraft from Lake Michigan

Sat, Mar 27, 2021 12:00 PM - 3:00 P CDT During World War II, from the autumn of 1942 through late 1945, the United States Navy conducted aircraft carrier qualification on Lake Michigan off of Chicago. The area had been selected to provide a safe area away from possible enemy submarine attack. As a result … Continue reading The Rescue of the Once Lost World War II Navy Aircraft from Lake Michigan

Military Aviation Museum SBD Dauntless Artifacts

Some interesting items were pulled out of the Dauntless while it was being cleaned up after 30 years of storage at Pensacola, and the museum team thought it would be interesting to place them on display. I designed these cards to give descriptions on each artifact. The coolest one was the spare lightbulb case, with … Continue reading Military Aviation Museum SBD Dauntless Artifacts

Military Aviation Museum’s SBD Dauntless Project

I have been working with the Military Aviation Museum on their newest project, an SBD Dauntless that was recovered from Lake Michigan in 1994. It crashed in a training accident attempting to land on the USS Wolverine having departed from it's base at NAS Glenview. Since the recovery, it has been at the US Navy … Continue reading Military Aviation Museum’s SBD Dauntless Project

Military Aviaton Museum’s Douglas SBD

Here's a photo of the Military Aviation Museum SBD Dauntless with the exhibit graphics panels that I designed telling the story of the SBD history, training on the USS Wolverine in Lake Michigan and of the recovery when it was pulled out of the Lake in 1994. The 4 panels are 48" x 36", mounted … Continue reading Military Aviaton Museum’s Douglas SBD